Basara 森蘭丸 177316-Basara 森蘭丸
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Basara 森蘭丸
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森蘭丸 戦国basara もりらんまる とは ピクシブ百科事典
実写映画「刀剣乱舞」キャスト紹介 鈴木拡樹から廣瀬智紀まで オンラインゲーム「刀剣乱舞online」が実写映画化されます!15年以降はミュージカルや舞台としても大成功を収めてき64 pictures on pixiv Find more images related to #senngokubasarabatorupathinoryakutagu , #odanobunaga , #akechimitsuhide , #zabi , #akechi mitsuhide , #Sengoku Basara ,Ranmaru Mori (森 蘭丸, Mori Ranmaru) is one of the romanticized names for Naritoshi He is Yoshinari's third son and Nobunaga's famous page He is best known for dying at a young age alongside his master at Honnōji, allegedly fighting until his last in various tales Gamecity's Sengoku Musou 3 Empires character popularity poll lists his Samurai Warriors persona is twentyseventh
Profile views 637 Friends invited 0 Plurks 69 Plurk responses 353 Member since ( ´ ` )ノ Last login ( ´ ` )ノGameplay Ke28 di Game Sengoku Basara Chronicle Heroes Karakter yang digunakan adalah 森蘭丸 (Mori Ranmaru)Sengoku Basara Chronicle Heroes Opening https//Buy "Sengoku Basara X (Normal Edition) (Japan Version)" at YesAsiacom with Free International Shipping!
森蘭丸是 尾張國 大名 織田信長 的 小姓 ,頗受寵愛。 天正 十年(15年)在 甲斐 武田氏 滅亡後,被任命為 美濃國 岩村城 (但 信長公記 記載為 美濃 金山城五萬石領地及 よなだ島 一萬石知行領 )的城主。 同年6月2日於 本能寺之變 初期向信長報告重臣 明智光秀 叛變,戰鬥過程中,森蘭丸為 安田國繼 槍矛刺腹,與同為小姓的兩個弟弟 森坊丸 、 森力丸 皆戰死。 據說當時信長命令蘭丸在本能寺放火。 蘭Basara( ばさら/バサラ )是日本用語,可以是指: 伐折羅—十二藥叉大將之一、伐折羅大將。;Mori Ranmaru (Sengoku Basara) Images zerochan » Sengoku Basara Browsing Options 57 anime images in gallery Filters Normal Mode Strict Mode List All Children Search within Mori Ranmaru (Sengoku Basara) Quality All sizes Large and better Only very large Sort Recent Popular Random ( Last week Last 3 months All time ) 110

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프로필 이름 시이나 타이조 (椎名 鯛造) 생년월일 1986년 6월 17일 출신지 기후현 (岐阜県) 키 165cm 혈액형 A형รันมารุ โมริRanmaru Mori 森蘭丸Sengoku Basara 125 likes โมะริ รันมะรุ (ญี่ปุ่น 森蘭丸 Mori Ranmaru, พศ 2108 21 มิถุนายน พศ 2125) The latest tweets from @bsr_rnmr_bot

戦国basaraの森 蘭丸を書いてみました ママちんの落書き日記 楽天ブログ

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#Japan #morirannmaru novels found Find more works related toGameplay Ke24 di Game Sengoku Basara Battle Heroes Karakter yang digunakan adalah 森蘭丸 (Mori Ranmaru)#SengokuBasaraBattleHeroesSengoku Basara Battle HeroeMori Ranmaru (森蘭丸)(1565 ), born Mori Nagasada (森長定), was the son of Mori Yoshinari, and the younger brother of Mori Nagayoshi, from the province of Mino From an early age, Ranmaru was an attendant to Oda Nobunaga Recognized for his talent and loyalty, he was appointed to a responsible post

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